Trusted to Support

Recognised as the trusted provider of accommodation, care and support services that develops innovative solutions to meet the changing needs of the ex-service and wider community of South Australia.

Quality | Growth | Sustainability | Governance

About RSL Care SA

RSL Care SA is a proud not-for-profit charitable care provider. Our organisation has served the ex-service and wider community of South Australia for well over 100 years, and we are planning on serving them for many years to come. 

Our association with the RSL of South Australia is close, but RSL Care SA is a completely separate entity. We share a common ethos of caring for the health and wellbeing of our mates.

RSL Care SA offers a number of accommodation and support options for residential aged care, retirement living and affordable housing for ALL South Australians. We have various locations throughout South Australia.

Our mission is to support veterans, their dependents and the broader ageing community through a range of integrated retirement living and aged care services.

Core Organisational Values

Care – Deliver the highest practical levels of individual and group care related services

Trust and Respect –  Both of these qualities must be hard-earned and never taken for granted. Words matter little, our deeds distinguish us.

Ethics – In all things we act with integrity and honour

Inclusion and Diversity – treat people as individuals by providing and maintaining an environment of inclusivity and diversity for all stakeholders

Quality – Understanding what quality means across all of our lines of operations and knowing how to measure and continually improve what we are achieving

Communication – Open and proactive communication between residents, staff and stakeholders

Mateship – Caring for each other, valuing the bonds of service we share

Governance – Robust processes enable us to make good decisions

Board Members

Geoff Tattersall (Chair)
Anthea LeCornu (Deputy Chair)
Larry Opie
Peter CP Moore
Stephen Knight
Mark Prosser
Andrew Boeyen
Heather Messenger
Stephen Wade
Frank Kite  (AFG Committee)
Ruby Cantos (Care & Compliance Committee)


Association Members

The RSL Care SA Association is made up of the RSL Care SA Board Members and nominated RSL SA Board Members.

Senior Staff

Nathan Klinge – CEO
Aldo Fonovic – CFO
Kellie Whelan – COO
Phoebe Magsanay – Residential Care Manager, War Veterans Home
Rhizza Evans – Residential Care Manager, Morlancourt
Bernice Willemse – Residential Care Manager, Romani


How can I help?

Volunteer like Jim Richardson

Recognised by ACSA as the 2019 National Volunteer of the Year. We currently have the following volunteer roles available:

Café Support – to assist at our Myrtle Bank War Veterans Home, or our Murray Bridge cafe. Weekdays 10am – 2pm. Volunteers will be involved with food preparation, coffee/tea making and table service. Huey’s café supports residents, family, staff and visitors to the site. All training will be provided by the organisation.

Resident Support (ongoing) – we always welcome volunteers to provide support to residents to improve their wellbeing working alongside wellbeing, care staff and nurses at either our Angle Park, Murray Bridge or Myrtle Bank sites. Activities are varied and can include social interaction, individual lifestyle assistance and more.

The Department of Health and Aged Care also have the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme – click here to read more, and see our volunteer Jim featured!

Please click on the button below to apply

Volunteer with RSL Care SA

RSL Care SA values volunteers highly and warmly welcomes anyone wishing to become involved with volunteering at RSL Care SA.

To find out more, please contact our Volunteer Team Leader on 08 8379 2600. Or click here fill out the enquiry form.


All donations to RSL Care SA are gratefully received and help us to continue the care and support we provide to many elderly people in our community.

As we are a Public Benevolent Institution, donations made to RSL Care SA over $2 are tax-deductible.

You can donate online by clicking on the button below, or contact our offices on 08 8379 2600 or send to RSL Care SA, 55 Ferguson Ave, Myrtle Bank SA 5064.


Leaving a lasting gift of a bequest to RSL Care SA is a lovely way to say ‘thank you’ for caring for the veterans in our community. 

RSL Care SA’s vision and mission is to provide accommodation, care and support services for our ageing and elderly veterans, their families, and the broader ageing community in South Australia.

Gifts ensure the ongoing success of our programs and continued care for our vulnerable and ageing veterans who have served our nation.

If you would like further information on how to Leave a Lasting Gift, please click here.

Corporate Office

War Veterans Home

55 Ferguson Avenue
Myrtle Bank, SA 5064

Phone: (08) 8379 2600
Fax: (08) 8338 2577

Residential Aged Care

War Veterans Home - Myrtle Bank

Morlancourt - Angle Park

Romani - Murray Bridge 


Retirement Living

Myrtle Bank



Murray Bridge

Andrew Russell Veteran Living

Angle Park