Help us improve our care services

RSL Care SA staff are committed to providing safe, professional, high-quality care services.

You may be satisfied with the way we provide a particular service, or you may have a concern. We would like to hear your suggestions or comments on any issues that impact you.

Your feedback will help us to know what we are doing well in those areas that need improving.

This is a key component of our commitment to continuous quality improvement.

If you have any concerns

 Please speak to an RSL Care SA staff member first to see if the issue can be resolved straight away. Please remember that in most instances complaints can be resolved promptly simply by talking to staff. You may also approach the manager and they will do all they can to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

You may seek independent advice from external advocates such as:

Aged Rights Advocacy Service
Ph: 08 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600

 Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
Ph: 1800 550 552

We will respond as soon as possible and inform you of how we are acting on your feedback. All information related to your feedback will be treated confidentially, with respect and sensitivity. We will work with you to find the best way to respond to your feedback. 

Residential Aged Care

Three locations offering person-centred care and support at an exceptional level.

Retirement Living

Four locations across Adelaide offering community and peace of mind.

ARVL Veteran Housing

Affordable housing and emergency housing for veterans or their dependents

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Corporate Office

War Veterans Home

55 Ferguson Avenue
Myrtle Bank, SA 5064

Phone: (08) 8379 2600
Fax: (08) 8338 2577

Residential Aged Care

War Veterans Home - Myrtle Bank

Morlancourt - Angle Park

Romani - Murray Bridge 


Retirement Living

Myrtle Bank



Murray Bridge

Andrew Russell Veteran Living

Angle Park