Infection Prevention and Control Leads


As of November 2020, the Australian Government legislated that all Australian Government funded residential aged care facilities must have an ongoing dedicated Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) lead on site who is a dedicated expert that will maintain responsibility for designing, implementing and monitoring infection prevention and control practices to support safe and quality aged care service provision. In addition, all staff must have completed IPC training and be competent in IPC practices.

Even though RSL Care SA already had a rigorous infection control program in place, we are proud to now have not one, but five qualified IPC Leads across our two facilities. Effective infection prevention and control capability is critical to the safe, effective and quality delivery of personal and clinical care in aged care. This is particularly the case during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Congratulations to our wonderful clinical staff for their hard work and dedication, and ongoing commitment to maintaining infection prevention and control, your colleagues will also benefit from your expertise and leadership.