Organisations providing Commonwealth subsidised aged care services are required to comply with the new Aged Care Quality Standards from 1 July 2019.

The Quality Standards focus on outcomes for consumers and reflect the level of care and services the community can expect from organisations that provide Commonwealth subsidised aged care services.

The Quality Standards are made up of eight individual standards:

1.   Consumer dignity and choice
2.   Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
3.   Personal care and clinical care
4.   Services and supports for daily living
5.   Organisation’s service environment
6.   Feedback and complaints
7.   Human resources
8.   Organisational governance.

Each of the Quality Standards is expressed in three ways:

  • a statement of outcome for the consumer
  • a statement of expectation for the organisation
  • organisational requirements to demonstrate that the standard has been met.

To watch a video regarding the New Aged Care Quality Standards, please click on the link here. Or to visit the Australian Governments website please click the link here.

Along with the New Aged Care Quality Standards is a new simpler Charter of Aged Care Rights. The Charter will make it easier for aged care consumers, their families and carers to understand what they can expect from an aged care service provider, regardless of whether they are in residential care or receiving care in the home. Consumer responsibilities have also been revised. These changes will support aged care service providers in delivering care to consumers and provide protection for the aged care workforce. Commencing 1 July, providers will be required to assist consumers to understand the new Charter and invite them to sign it. This provides an important opportunity for providers and consumers to enter into a partnership.

To view the new Charter of Aged Care Rights, please click here.